Somatropin 100iu Kit by Gen Pharma


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SKU: mok-8-b56


Somatropin 100iu Kit is a sought-after choice for bodybuilders and athletes looking to enhance their muscle mass and performance. Somatropin HGH is a genuine steroid, recognized as one of the most humane forms of human growth hormones, it helps to counteract the effects of somatropin hormones in the body.

What is Somatropin 100?
Somatropin-100 is a medication with the same chemical composition, albeit under different brand names, all serving the same purpose. It is used for promoting weight loss and muscle growth, as well as addressing weight loss due to conditions like HIV-AIDS and intestinal disorders. Additionally, Somatropin-100 is prescribed to treat height deficiency in children.

How does Somatropin 100 work?
Somatropin-100 stimulates the growth hormones naturally produced in the pituitary glands. It also enhances another hormone produced by the liver, which, in conjunction with growth hormones, sends signals to bones and muscles, promoting their growth. Somatropin-100 increases the production of hormones essential for normal bodily growth and development.

How to administer?
It is crucial to use any form of steroids under the guidance of a healthcare professional after discussing your medical history with a pharmacist. The dosage of Somatropin-100 involves a full cycle of multiple injections into the muscles or beneath the skin. Make sure to consult your pharmacist regarding the usage of various brands of the same steroid. The dosage may also vary depending on factors such as age, medical history, and specific patient conditions.

Inform your doctor about any allergies you have to this product or other substances. It’s essential to disclose any history of heart conditions, adrenal gland issues, eye problems, recent surgeries or injuries, breathing difficulties, and diabetes. For individuals with diabetes, this drug may raise blood sugar levels before surgery. Keep your doctor informed about your medication and dosage of Somatropin-100.

Side Effects
Side effects can differ from person to person, particularly based on individual medical histories. Some common mild side effects of Somatropin-100 include headaches, nausea/vomiting, muscle pain, fatigue, and weakness. Consult your doctor if you experience severe fatigue, breathing problems, itching, unusual weight gain, hearing issues, or persistent nausea. In some cases, this medication may lead to severe breathing problems in children with specific syndromes.